Flash Fiction Friday
Hello friends and welcome to Flash Fiction Friday, where we share some of the pieces written during our live storytelling event! These stories were written in 5 minutes to a blind-drawn prompt. Some are unfinished, some are only a few words, but they are all the beautiful product of spontaneous creativity.
If you read a story here that you wrote at a Story Wars event and want writing credits, shoot us an email and we’ll add your name!
Here we go…
Prompt: “What really killed the dinosaurs?”
Okay honestly I love this conspiracy. So, like, Mars is seen as this harsh, violent, red wasteland. But did you know it’s not actually red? That’s right people. NASA used photoshop in the early ages of space photos (because I don’t remember the exact dates, just google it later) to over-glorify how “destroyed” Mars looks.
We all know that Mars has volcanoes, an ice subterranean layer…but what you don’t know is that humans came from Mars! That’s right! The asteroid that killed those poor dinos was from our space shuttle.
Why, you ask? Because humans ruined the planet out there and now, just as history famously repeats itself, we are doing it all over again with one mass extinction.