Flash Fiction Friday
Hello friends and welcome to Flash Fiction Friday, where we share some of the pieces written during our live storytelling event! These stories were written in 5 minutes to a blind-drawn prompt. Some are unfinished, some are only a few words, but they are all the beautiful product of spontaneous creativity.
If you read a story here that you wrote at a Story Wars event and want writing credits, shoot us an email and we’ll add your name!
Here we go…
Prompt: “Unused funeral plot for sale…”
I had a few good years. Big salary. Fun trips, and more women that I knew what to do with. One drunken night my financial advisor…fuck it…my brother-in-law started talking about planning for the future and retirement. Death plans. I said sure, whatever, and bought the best grave plot I could find. I’d rot among kings.
That was the 80’s. Cocaine, and time, have really changed my priorities. In this economy I’ll be lucky to just end up in the trash. For 20 bucks? Take it, kid.