Flash Fiction Friday

Hello friends and welcome to Flash Fiction Friday, where we share some of the pieces written during our live storytelling event! These stories were written in 5 minutes to a blind-drawn prompt. Some are unfinished, some are only a few words, but they are all the beautiful product of spontaneous creativity.

If you read a story here that you wrote at a Story Wars event and want writing credits, shoot us an email and we’ll add your name!

Here we go…

Prompt: “Six weeks later…”

Six weeks later I was out of the hospital and the wound on my belly was barely sore to the touch. My mama was supposed to pick me up, although she musta forgot when my discharge time was, cause I ended up waiting outside for three hours.

After the first twenty minutes, my nurse told me she had to go back inside–she had other patients to look after. After that, she came back out and told me they needed my wheelchair. By the time mama pulled up, I was just sitting on the curb fiddling with the plastic ID bracelet still on my wrist.

We got to the house and mama left for her shift at the bar. A while later, while I was fishing at the bottom of the Froot Loop box, I heard a knock on the porch door. Peering through the screen was Emma Jean Walker, and I could see she had that same knife tucked in her front pocket.


Flash Fiction Friday